Saturday, February 20, 2010

WEekly update

My friend Caren and my Aunt Rita have both told me that when I wait too long between blog updates it worries people who follow that something is wrong and so I should update more often.

There are 2 problems with this.

First, when there are long delays between blog updates it probably does mean that I am really feeling the chemo-induced fatigue and having to carefully marshall energy to attend to the most essential tasks. At the moment those include getting through the mail that has piled up for weeks and paying my bills and preping my taxes. Something i keep thinking about but not acting on.

Secondly, as I cut back to 2 days of work a week and curtail trips out of the house to limit exposure to infection, my life is not overly full of things I think you might all just be panting to hear about. The big excitment today was either driving through the drive in of Einstein Bagles to pick up breakfast with out getting exposed to people sitting around in side possibly harbering infections, or maybe it was ordering in the PizzaHut pizza for lunch. With Dr. Pepper. Hm, Hm, good!

or possibly it will be something that comes up on my further explorations of cable television. I just discovered a whole streak of travel shows that make me eager to finish my chemo and go somewhere on vacation...

The highlight of yesterday was finishing off the fresh cantalope and blueberries with cream that the Arkansas Walkers left behind after their visit.

the weather is finally warming up so the dogs can spend their days in the yard instead of the house - they like this and so do I. Makes it easier to eat pizza without inappropriately intruding cold noses.

The highlight of tomorrow will be paying bills and working on tax prep. I put it off from today on the theory that I will have more energy tomorrow...

If any of this just sounds like excitment you can't by pass- come on over and join right in. Meanwhile, I am spending most of my time watching TV or reading in the recliner chair. One disadvantage of the transfusion - pre-transfusion I was too tired to feel confined. Although it was slightly annoying that I kept dozing off and had to watch the same TIVOed shows over and over again to follow the plot. Now post transfusion I am largely too tired to do anything productive, but feel good enough to be annoyed by it.

For those of you who know Gina Mac '74 in Seattle but don't follow her blog - latest tests show a 25% reduction in tumor mass all over! This good news just after she returned from a trip to Hawaii! So congratulations are in order these days for Gina.

Gina Mac'74 from Seattle also used her blog to bring to my attention a video produced by the Macalester College President Brian Rosenberg for President's Day. It was hysterical and probably can be found on the Mac website (or at least the Macalseter College Facebook website) for the interested. The Mac Alumni event in Atlanta occured the night before my transfusion when unfortunately I was too exhausted to attend, but fortunatly for them the day before the big Geogia snow storm which shuts this city down in ways no one from Minnesota could believe or understand.

So doing well for now. Thanks again for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Louisa,
    We are always glad to hear from you, but it can be just one paragraph saying you're still hanging in there. I can't imagine doing taxes when feeling so exhausted! Ugh! Please fortify yourself with whatever foods you enjoy, and GET LOTS OF REST. You are fighting a huge battle and we're all cheering for you!
    Jane and Bruce
